April 27, 2007
Today I just started creating this website. I hope that someday it will be useful, fun, and informative for everyone
to visit. I hardly have anything here, but go ahead and check things out. I can't figure out this picture thing,
though. Everytime I try to put one in, they come out all blurry. Grr! Oh well, I'll figure something out.
Bye! --MegaFreak02
May 4, 2007
I added the MegaMan Links page to this site. I have a pretty big list, and I must say that I'm very pleased with myself (heh, sorry, I'm not
trying to brag... I don't think). Please check it out; there are some awesome sites that I've listed. Thanks!
May 11, 2007
I added the MegaMan Games page today. It doesn't have much there yet; just a chart with a list of games I have and links to pages for each game
that don't have anything on them! I still have to put in all those hints and stuff that I promised, but don't worry!
I'm working as fast as I can. And believe it or not, I think that everything is moving faster than I had anticipated.
So I'm not too worried. But that doesn't mean I'm going to work slower. Really, it doesn't! Oh well,
you'll see; I'll get it done soon (I think)! --MegaFreak02
May 13, 2007
Today I added the About MegaMan page on this website. Unfortunately, I have no information on the X games yet, so I apologize for that. But go
ahead and enjoy what's there. Thanks! --MegaFreak02
May 14, 2007
I added the MegaMan TV section to this website today, + some information to go with it. Basically the story of the whole thing and an apology
for not having an episode list yet. Oh well. As I said on the said page, I have a lot to do, so it might take
a while to get a list, but try to be patient; I'm working as fast as I can. I also took out all the pictures for now;
I can put them back when I fugure out why they're always so blurry! I was getting too fed up with looking at images
that depict nothing at all. Also, I put in an extra note in the Artwork section. But don't expect to see pictures,
because there aren't any (not yet, anyway)! Feel free to check out the MegeMan TV page. Thanks! --MegaFreak02
May 19, 2007
Today I added a LOT of information on MegaMan 2 in the MegaMan Games section. Check there if you're looking for
tips on how to conquer this game! But gosh, do I love this Elastic Text Cursor option!! It's so fun to watch
the words bounce around. Did you notice that the words are all different according to what page your on? If not,
browse around and look at all the different texts! Thanks! --MegaFreak02
May 21, 2007
Today I added another chunk of information in the MegaMan Games section, but his time it's for MegaMan 3 and 4.
This blurry picture problem is still driving me crazy, but I'm working on it. I suppose actually information is more
important than pictures. But this website won't remain picture-less forever! I also added the MM Game Cheats page. Go ahead and check out the new stuff I added. Thanks! --MegaFreak02
May 26, 2007
Today I got a picture to show up without being blurry!!! I'm so happy!!! I don't know how I did it!
I did everything the same as I had tried before, but whatever!! IT SHOWS UP!!! Sorry, don't listen to me babble.
I'm just... SO HAPPY!!. I also added three (3) "cheats" to the MegaMan 64 game on the MM Cheats page. I hope that
you'll find them useful. Check them out and see for yourself. Thanks! --MegaFreak02
May 27, 2007
Today I added the Character Info section on the MegaMan TV page. It might help you get a little more familiar with
some of the characters in the NT Warrior and Axess series. There's even a little extra fun info section on Lan (even
his favorite toothpaste flavor is listed!). Check it out! Also, my glee at the clear picture thing was cruely
crushed today when I found out that not ALL the pictures come out OK. It seems like pictures with more than one thing
in them (like group shots) come out fine, but portrait-like pictures are still blurry!! I can't figure this thing out;
it's just too complicated. Oh well, I'll figure something out. See ya! --MegaFreak02
May 30, 2007
Today I added the Link to Me page, so now you know that you can always send me a link to the page to link to, and I'll take a look at it. Also,
in the Images section on the MegaMan Artwork page, you can now click on any picture to enlarge it. Have fun! --MegaFreak02
May 31, 2007
As of today, my website is officially published!! I'm so excited! I hope lots of people will want to look
at it. I can't wait to get my first Guestbook message! Someone use it to make me happy!! There are still
a couple of things that I need to add to the site, but the amount of info that I already have is substantial enough to publish.
So explore and enjoy. And don't forget to tell a friend! Thanks!! --MegaFreak02
June 3, 2007
Today I submitted a link to my website to the MegaMan Home Page (MMHP) to see if she wants to include my website on her
HUGE list of sites. I strongly suggest that if you want any information on something that is MegaMan-related and that's
not included here, check out MMHP! I can almost promise you that you'll find what you're looking for! Have fun! --MegaFreak02
June 5, 2007
Today I added a link to the Link to Me page from the MegaMan Links page so it's even easier to get to. It's not
much, but it's something. Oh, and I added a picture at the bottom of the MegaMan Links page, just for grins. I'm
also trying to find a better way for people to submit links... Oh wait, I just thought of something!! Heh, why didn't
I think of that before. I'll change that right now! I also added a Lycos Search. I'm still trying to figure
out how to include a search that just searches my own site when you type in a keyword. Do you know how? If so,
please tell me by using the Sign My Guestbook button at the bottom of this page. But anyway, go ahead and look
around and see what you find! Thanks! --MegaFreak02
June 6, 2007
I totaly changed the Guestbook. Now it's only located at the bottom of the Home Page, so it's easier to know what
to do. There are also more questions (AKA, more boxes to fill in, but some of them are optional, so don't worry too
much). NOTE: There's no need to worry about me asking for personal information, such as your e-mail
address, your real name, where you live, what you look like, or anything like that. I'm VERY against things like this.
I hate it myself when people demand that you spill out everything about yourself, so I'll never ask anything like this from
you! Bye! --MegaFreak02
June 7, 2007
Okay, so I didn't exactly do much today. I just added another link to the MegaMan Links page (that is
important, though, right?). It takes you to the MegaMan Network. If you want to know something about it, go to the MegaMan Links page and look under the link that goes to Planet
MegaMan and you'll see the description. Or better yet, go to the actual site! See ya! --MegaFreak02
June 12, 2007
Today I added the Guestbook page to the site (I know, I can't make up my mind on how I want this Guestbook thingy to work, can I?). But don't worry,
I think I'm finally satisfied. Don't forget to sign it when you come if you've got any feedback! I also added
the FAQ page (Frequently Asked Questions). The list isn't too big right now, but it'll grow, I'm sure. NOTE: If
you ask a really good, worthy question using the Guestbook, I might actually include it on the FAQ page. If it's just
a question that just, you know, whatever, then I won't be able to answer. I also added some more links (How do
I keep missing so many?) to the MegaMan Links page, so now my list is HUGE! I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed with myself.
See ya! --MegaFreak02
June 13, 2007
Today I added the About Me page. F.Y.I: Don't expect to find any personal info there, like where I live, what I
look like, or ANYTHING like that, okay? I'm really paranoid about stuff like that, so I always think carefully before
putting down information about myself. But you will find stuff there like what my hobbies are, what series
of books and stuff I collect, my favorite color... stuff like that, you know? Check it out if you want to learn a LITTLE
bit about me, but not much. Oh, and you'll also get to find out how I descovered MegaMan for the first time, too!
You should find that story quite interesting. Check the About Me page to find out. See ya! --MegaFreak02
June 16, 2007
Okay, so I didn't exactly accomplish much today. I basically threw myself into a fit of frustration while trying
to make a decent MMV logo to use as a tiltle instead of that simple text, but they HAD to make it IMPOSSIBLE,
didn't they?! DIDN'T THEY??? Sorry, I'm still mad, so just ignore my excessive use of punctuation. But seriously,
they could at least TRY to make it a LITTLE bit easier for people like ME who are NOT satisfied with simple, boring, un-creative
TEXT as their logo!!! But a cool thing that I DID do is put a differrent MegaMan character image in the top left corner
of the site for every page! Isn't that cool? Browse around and look at all the cute pictures! Oh would you
look at that, I've found ANOTHER problem: I CAN'T EVEN PUT HEADINGS/DIVIDERS IN THE NAVIGATION BAR!!! I can't believe
how hard this thing is to use, it's SO frustrating. Oh man, I'm starting to rave again, sorry. But whatever, I'm
TOTALLY OVER IT NOW. I REALLY AM. I'll stop talking, or I'll drive you out of the site, heh heh. Well, see
ya later! --MegaFreak02
June 18, 2007
Again, not much different today. I just fixed all the corner images so that they are all different.
Yeah, I know, you thought I had done that 2 days ago. Well, I did, but I accidentally messed it all up, so I had to
do it all over again! It was such a pain. It took me 2 days just to fix it. But it's fine now. I'm
starting to get a little discouraged now, though, because so far no one has really looked at my site *sniff*. I haven't
gotten anything in the Guestbook, and noting different about the viewer counter I put on the Home page. I hope someone
will find it soon. I feel sad, now... On a happier note, I changed the layout of the MegaMan Links page.
I have all the links and descriptions in a big table now. Plus they're organized in alphabetical order, now, so they'll
be easier to browse through. Go check it out. I also FINALLY got the time to work on the MegaMan 6 game page,
so now it's nearly complete. I just have to add 1 more password. Go see what I've got, please! Thanks! --MegaFreak02
June 19, 2007
Today I changed the layout for a few of the pages (About MegaMan and MegaMan TV) so that they are just 1 column, instead
of Main Area 1, secondary (I know, that didn't make much sense, did it?). In short, The text now takes up the whole
page, but that also means that there are no other pictures on those pages. But that's okay, they're just all in the
Images section of the MegaMan Artwork page. If you want to see them, just click on the Images link there, and then click
on any picture that you want to inlarge, okay? Simple as that. Oh no... No... NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I can't believe
it!! I MESSED UP THE CORNER ACCENT IMAGES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! This is SO BAD. Now I'll have to
fix them ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Why, why, WHY did I have to mess up again, WHY??? Sorry,
I'm just beating myself up as punishment for being such a computer klutz. Looks like I'd better get to
work... --MegaFreak02
June 21, 2007
Today I added a couple of questions to the Guestbook and another feature to it... The How to Improve MMV box!
This is a text box where you can type any advice you have on how to make this site better! I value all of your opinions,
so don't be afraid to speak up! However, I can't follow all suggestions. I only follow through on advice
that I personally believe will improve MegaMan Vortex. But you never know; your idea could impress me.
So give it a try -- there's nothing to lose (not really, anyway. I hope it won't ruin your dignity, but that
kinda depends on the individual.)! I also finally fixed all the corner accent images on the site so that
they are all different again (I still can't believe I messed up so bad before!). And this time I am NOT going to
TIME!!! See ya! --MegaFreak02
June 22, 2007
I changed the size of the navigation links to 3 so that they'd be even easier to read. And guess what? I
MESSED UP THE CORNER ACCENT IMAGES AGAIN. All I did was change the size of the navigation links! I just forgot
to click the button that said "Apply to this page" instead of "Apply to all pages", so it put the corner image for the Home
page on all the pages!! I hate this, I can't believe I keep messing up so badly. Uhg, I'm just about ready to
give up. Maybe I'll try to get them right one more time... Okay, I fixed all the images for the fourth
time. Now hopefully I've learned my lesson, and I'll pay more attention in the future. I'll try not to play
with the navigation bar for a while. Maybe that'll cut down the chances. Bye! --MegaFreak02
June 24, 2007
Okay, I lied. I messed with the navigation bar again, but this time I was careful. I did it page by page,
so the corner accent images wouldn't get all messed up again, and it worked. They're just fine now. Now
I'll leave the navigation bar alone. Seriously, I will. I also added another image to the Images section of the
MegaMan Artwork page. It's at the bottom-right. It's a pretty cute picture. Juat go to the Images page to
see it. Here, I'll save you the trouble of going there, here's a link: Images. Well, I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed with myself, but no one will come to the site still. It makes me sad
*sniff*. Well, I guess I'll just have to be patient. Great things don't suddenly emerge overnight, after all.
July 23, 2007
Whoa... I just checked this place out again after a long absence and check out the viewer number! Like, 33 people
have looked at the site while I've been gone! Woo-hoo!! That makes me happy. I also bought MegaMan: NT Warrior
volumes 11 and 12, so now my collection is up to date once more, heh heh. I LOVE Japanese manga!!!!! The only
thing that disappointed me what that no one had left any entries in the Guestbook! Waaaaaaaah!! Somebody put something
in there! surely you've got something to say! If so, say it!!! Thanks! --MegaFreak02
August 3, 2007
Just checked back after a bit, and already the number of viewers has practically doubled! I'm SO HAPPY!!!
Ah, but wait, there's one thing I'm not happy about: the Guestbook. It's still empty. I'm not happy anymore.
STILL no one has signed it. Seriously, is there something about Guestbooks that are intimidating or something?
I swear, there are no questions on there that ask for any personal info. You don't even have to put in your real first
name. You can put anything else there, even Martian #20789. That was just an example, but you get my
point, right? I hope so. Well, gotta go. PLEASE, SOMEONE, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! IT WILL MAKE ME SHUT
August 10, 2007
Today I changed the Guestbook up a little bit (when will I ever be satisfied?). Now there's a little note on the
opening message that emphasizes the fact that you don't have to answer any questions that you're not comfortable with.
You know, just for grins *grin*. I hope that will make people actually sign it for once, but who knows. Thanks!
August 12, 2007
Today I added another link to the MegaMan Links page. It's called KAWARIMI. I have no idea why, it just is.
It's right under the Legends Station link if you want to look at it. If fact I'll give you a way to go there from here.
Have a link: KAWARIMI. There are now 25 MegaMan links, and I'm pretty impressed with myself, hee hee. Well, that's about it.
See ya! --MegaFreak02
August 13, 2007
I added a link at the bottom of every MM game info page that takes you back to the MegaMan Games page so that you don't
have to go all the way back up to click the link. It's just an extra thing-a-ma-bobber, you know? Just to make
life easier. I also added a little (Optional) thing in the box on the Guestbokk by the box that says to type the URL
of your own MM site there. Because, you know, not everyone makes their own site. Anyway, that's it. See
ya! --MegaFreak02
August 19, 2007
I just thought of something that has crushed one of my most hopeful thoughts regarding this website: the only way
that someone might be able to submit fanart is to e-mail it directly to me. Oh my gosh... Oh. My. Gosh...
OMIGOSH!!! This STINKS!!!! Now how are people supposed to submit it?! GAAA!!!!! Darn it, I hate this...
I know, some of you are probably thinking "Well, what's the problem with e-mailing it, anyway? I mean, if it's the only
way, then what the heck, it's the only way." Well, I'll explain. You see, I'm a really paranoid person, so I''m
always worrying about stuff like people stealing identity info, passwords, and other things like that. So naturally,
I don't want other people to have to worry about the same things as well. So I don't ever ask anyone for their e-mail
address, let alone give out mine. So that particulat method is out of the question. Sorry, that's just how it
is. BUT if I ever find a way to let people send me things WITHOUT either side knowing the other's e-mail, that would
totally be the way out of this mess. So just be patient with me, and I'll try to figure something out. In the
meantime, my apologies, but you'll have to live with disappointment. Again, sorry! --MegaFreak02
August 20, 2007
MegaMan Vortex has reaced a major milestone -- over 100 people have visited the site!
It may not be much compared to others, but in my standards, it's a big step! Also, I've added another page: the MMV Polls page! And you know what that means -- Polls have come to MMV! I'm on the first one. The tite: How
Much MegaMan Is In Your Home? It's fot a couple of questions that ask how much MegaMan merchandise you own.
It's to see just how addicted you are to our little Blue Bomber. But I'm telling you too much already! Go to the
page and see for yourself! Thanks! --MegaFreak02
August 22, 2007
Today I added another section on the About Me page. You might be interested in this one. It's a section where I describe NetNavis that I have created
myself! It tells you the name, style, color scheme, and personality of the Navi. Some even tell you some of their
special attacks. Someday I'll put in pictures I've made of them too, but for now, you'll have to use your imgination.
Go check it out and see what's there. Thanks! --MegaFreak02
September 1, 2007
Today's the first day of September, and over 150 people have viewed MMV! It makes me happy to see such
a big number (by my standards, anyway) on the viewer counter. Too bad the Guestbook is still empty.
I'm not too worried yet about the MMV Poll. It's brand new, so I don't expect to see anything there for a while
longer. I'm wondering whether or not I should include non-MegaMan-related website links on the Links page. You
know, links that take you to websites that are themed off of some of my other favorite things, like DNAngel, Pokémon, etc.
Maybe that can be my next poll. We'll see. If you have an opinion on the subject, feel free to mention it using
the Guestbook. That's about it. Bye! --MegaFreak02
September 21, 2007
I'm estatically happy! Someone signed my Guestbook! There's something in the MMV Poll, too! YES!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Blues_ and (~o_o)~ (Don't ask my why, he/she just put that has the name) who contributed!
To Blues_: I actually already had your website as a link on the MegaMan Links page. It's listed as The Neverwhere.
You also had a very... interesting selection of words and comments. Thanks for that. I was rolling on the floor
laughing! I am very honored to have you post on MY website. Thank you SO much!
I'm also happy that almost 200 people have viewed MMV now! Yippie! Thanks to everyone!!!!!!!!!!
September 23, 2007
Today I changed the text size on the FAQs page to 2 so that it's smaller. Size 3 was just too big, it was an eyesore.
Plus you can fit more in a smaller space and all. I also changed the overall appearance of the links at the bottom of
the MegaMan Games page and the Link to Me page so that they basically match everything else. I think they look much
better now. Again, not so much of an eyesore. I hope you like tha changes as much as I do. I still feel
so down about this not being able to have a proper fan art gallery thing. Oh well; maybe someday. Buh-bye! --MegaFreak02
September 24, 2007
Okay, I added some important stuff today: rules. I added them on the Guestbook and MMV Polls page.
They're guidelines on what you are and are not allowed to do (Sadly enough, they're mostly nots, heh). They're at the
top of the pages, so you can't miss them. Oh, and MMV has had exactly 200 visitors now! Woot!! I'm so happy,
this website is going so much better then I expected. I'll stop, I don't want to start ranting again! Bye bye!
October 10, 2007
It's been decided: I'm going to include link lists containing links to websites devoted to my other crazes. I have
a little bit of the first new on on the Links page, the D.N.Angel one. But so far, I only have 2 links there (I swear I had more, but now I can't find them).
But don't worry, I'm sure it'll get bigger! I hope you all agree with my descision; I don't want to make anyone mad!
Oh well, what's done is done; better get used to it! The next list after this one, I think I'll put one with Tokyo Mew
Mew/Mew Mew Power links. Oh, and I've changed the page name of MegaMan Links to just Link, as there
are now more than just MM links there. I also changed the format of the News/Update List page; now the entries will
be organized by year. So so far, there's only 1 section: the first year, 2007. As time goes by, though, it
will grow. That's about it. See ya! --MegaFreak02
October 13, 2007
"Ryakashi" signed my Guestbook yesterday; I'm so happy! He listed a cheat there for MegaMan X 8, so I decided to
list it on the MM Cheats page. If you're wondering by what he meant when he said he heard the site from "Queen Roll", he means me. I met
him on the massive online game by JaGex, RuneScape. Queen Roll is my login name there. You can
see his cheat for MMX8 at the bottom of the MM Cheats page. You'll also see the note attached to it; be sure to read
it! That's it so far; see ya later! --MegaFreak02
November 20, 2007
Man, it's been forever since I last checked in on this here ol' site of mine! There are over 300 site hits now!
Ya-hoo!!! Keep up the viewing, people, I REALLY appreciate it!
I'd also like to thank Danny for signing my Guestbook; I'm flattered you'd like to help! I appreciate
any offers you have, so keep the suggestions coming! THANKS!!! And did you really find my site on the links page
on MMHP? Wow, I'm amazed she actually put it there, I'll have to see it for myself!
Well, I'm going to see if I can update my MM Games and MM Cheats page, thanks to Danny. See ya all later!!
December 22, 2007
Wow, sorry I havn't said anything in so long; been REALLY busy. I've had a bunch of Christmas partying and dance
parties and dance recitals and a bunch of other stuff. Trust me, if you lived my life, you'd understand. But anyway,
what's new, everybody? I can hardly believe that Christmas is almost here! Woo-hoo! I can't wait!!
And man, over 400 site hits! I'm feeling over the moon right now!! I still can't believe I still havn't found
a way for a the fanart gallery to be up and running... It's SO FRUSTRATING!!!!! I'm really sorry 'bout that, but I'm
working on it, I swear! Well, gotta run -- Cya, peeps! (Can you tell I'm running high yet, lol?)
Oh and one more thing...
Back to News/Update List page