Here's a list of items in the game:
- Rush Power Adapter: Obtained from Flame Man.
- Rush Jet Adapter: Obtained from Plant Man.
- Beat: This can be confusing. In the game, there are four stages that have two rooms
that you can fight the Robot Masters in. If you go to the correct one, you'll find one of the four letters that spell
"BEAT." If you go to the wrong one, you'll get a Robot Master, but no letter. Here's how to get each letter:
- B: Tomahawk Man -- After the giant sun and the Met Dispenser, you will find a room with a ledge
running down the middle. Use the Rush Jet to fly underneath the ledge (That's where you'll also find the Shield
Attacking things).
- E: Yamato Man -- You'll come to a spot with 2 ladders, one going up and one going down.
Go up. You'll need the Rush Jet. You'll find the letter there.
- A: Knight Man -- Use Rush Power to break through the block by the gate, and head down that tunnel
- T: Centaur Man -- Go through the first gate that you come to. Use the Rush Jet to get over
- Energy Balancer (EB Machine): Located in Tomahawk Man's stage. You'll need Rush Power to
do this. Go over the ledge that was mentioned in getting the "B" in BEAT instead of under. In the next
room, you'll find a ladder leading up, and next to it on the left is a wall. The very bottom bricks on that wall are
breakable, so you'll have to hang off the very bottom of the ladder and use Rush Power to break through. Then climb
up a couple of rungs and jump in. Just be careful about those spikes!
This list will tell you which weapons to use on which Robot Masters:
- Blizzard Man: Use Flame Blast. Don't stay in any corners, or you're doomed!
- Centaur Man: Use Knight Crush. If you stay in the center of the room, his shots might miss.
- Flame Man: Use Wind Storm.
- Knight Man: Use Yamato Spear. If you don't have the Yamato Spear with you, or it's out of
energy, use your Mega Buster and fire at him when he's jumping or when he's throwing his mace at you.
- Plant Man: Use the Mega Buster. It may sound stupid, but stay in a corner.
- Tomahawk Man: Stay close to him while using Plant Barrier.
- Wind Man: Use Centaur Flash if you've got it.
- Yamato Man: Use the Silver Tamahawk.
Here's a list of which weapons to use on wach of the other bosses in the game:
- Track Duo: Use the Mega Buster or Power Suit (Rush Power).
- Wall Walker: Use Silver Tomahawk or Knight Crush.
- Met Tank: Use Mega Buster, Yamato Spear, or Knight Crush.
- Mr. X: Anythign works here! Even the Mega Buster!
- Dino Bot: Use Mega Buster or Yamato Spear.
- Cycle Cannon: Use Yamato Spear and then the Mega Buster.
- Dr. Wily: Use the Mega Buster, then the Power Suit, and then Silver Tomahawk.
This chart shows where the Robot Masters are near the end of the game:
Each box in the following chart represents a single teleporter that is in the room that this chart represents.
The spaces where you see N/A means that there is no teleporter here. The name of each Robot Master is placed
in the box that represents the teleporter that you take to get to that Robot Master.
Here are some useful passwords:
This password takes you to Mr. X's castle with the EB Machine:
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