Here is a list of items that are in the game:
- Rush Coil: You will already have this at the begining of the game.
- Rush Jet: Obtained from Drill Man.
- Rush Marine: Obtained from Toad Man.
- Balloon Adapter: (Makes platforms; See Item-1 in MegaMan 2) This is located at the begining
of Pharaoh Man's stage. At the very begining, jump over the pit that leads to the rest of the stage (the first one you
come to). The screen will scroll over to reveal another small section of the stage. Navigate through this, and
at the end, you will find the Balloon Adapter.
- Wire Adapter: (Acts as a grappling hook; press Up and B (Fire) to use) This is located in Dive
Man's stage. After defeating the second (2nd) whale, the screen will scroll over. Drop into the first pit you
come to. Avoid the spikes as you fall, and if you make it to the bottom alive, you will find the Wire Adapter.
Here is a list that will tell you what weapons to use on which Robot Masters:
- Bright Man: Use Rain Flush.
- Dive Man: Use Skull Barrier and Dust Crush.
- Drill Man: Use Dive Missiles.
- Dust Man: Use your Mega Buster. When he shoots the Dust Crusher at you, stand in one place
and just jump straight up. As the Dust Crusher splits apart, all the pieces will miss you!
- Pharaoh Man: Use Bright Stopper.
- Ring Man: Use Pharaoh Shot. Timing your jumps is the key.
- Skull Man: Use Dust Crusher. The Ring Boomerang will go through his Skull Barrier.
- Toad Man: Use your Mega Buster. If you keep shooting, he won't use the Rain Flush on you.
All you have to do to get away unscratched is play a simple game of leap frog back and forth.
This list will tell you which weapons to use with each boss in the game:
- Hole Drill: Use Dust Crusher, Ring Boomerang, or fully charged Pharaoh Shots. Aim for the
small green gem above the drill.
- Moving Room: Use Dust Crusher or the Wire Adapter. Slide under the room sections until they're
moving slowly then jump inside. Aim for the red gem at the top.
- Wall Walker: Use Ring Boomerang, Drill Bomb, or fully charged Pharaoh Shots (sometimes you
can even hit things with the ball just over your head. This is a good way to save energy).
- Dr. Cossack: You only have to get him down to two (2) units of energy before it's over.
Use Dust Crusher and slide under him to keep him from grabbing you.
- Giant Met: Use the Mega Buster or Ring Boomerang. You can control how far it jumps, depending
how far you stand from it (to a certain degree).
- Bomb Ball Machine: Use Ring Boomerang and aim for the green light.
- Dr, Wily 1st time: Use the Mege Buster and/or the Dust Crusher. Stand right under the skulls
mouth. As long as you don't jump right into one of Wily's shots, he won't touch you. Just be sure to avoid the
final explosion!
- Dr. Wily 2nd time: Use the Mega Buster or Drill Bomb. Aim for the green light. The
Drill Bomb will bounce off if it hits the green light directly, so what you have to do is detonate it early by pressing
B (Fire) while the Drill Bomb is in midair. If you do this correctly, it will explode right next to the green light,
and you will cause damage.
- Dr. Wily 3rd time: Use fully charged Pharaoh Shots. Don't try to hit him with the
shots while they're over your head; it probably won't work. Take note of his position when he appears and aim for that
spot. He will still be there for another couple of seconds after he disappears, so chances are that you'll hit him,
even though you can no longer see him.
This chart shows where all the Robot Masters are near the end of the game:
Each box in the following chart represents a single teleporter that is in the room that this chart represents.
The spaces where you see N/A means that there is no teleporter here. The name of each Robot Master is placed
in the box that represents the teleporter that you take to get to that Robot Master.
Here is a useful password:
This password will take you to Dr. Cossack's castle (Sorry, but this is as far as the passwords go):
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