Here is a list of items that are in the game:
- Rush Coil: Use this to get to high places (Not needed if you know how to do the super jump.
See the list at the bottom of this page to learn how).
- Rush Jet: Use this to get over long stretches where there are, for example, nothing but deadly
spikes! This item comes in handy.
- Rush Marine: Use this to navigate underwater with ease. By the way, you can still use your
Mega Buster while inside the Rush Marine.
This list will tell you what weapons to use on which Robot Masters:
- Gemini Man: Use the Search Snake.
- Hard Man: Use Magnet Missiles. Do your best to not miss.
- Magnet Man: Use Spark Shock. Don't miss!
- Needle Man: Use Gemini Laser. Again, try not to miss.
- Shadow Man: Use Top Spin. Don't miss, or you're doomed.
- Snake Man: Use Needle Cannon.
- Spark Man: Use Shadow Blade.
- Top Man: Use Hard Knuckle or your Mega Buster. He's so easy, it hardly matters.
This list will tell you what to do to beat the other bosses in the game:
- Turtle Maker: Just shoot all the turtles with Shadow Blade and the Turtle Maker will blow up.
Don't try to shoot the Maker itself, because it won't work.
- Yellow Devil: Shoot the eye with Hard Knuckle. You can try to use the Rush Jet to avoid
the block wave.
- Hologram Clones: Only one of the clones is solid, so you need to hit that one. Every time
the clones disappear into their hatches, they are swapped around, so it changes every time. To find the real one, launch
a Search Snake on each ledge as the clones emerge from the hatches. Attack the one that the Search Snake hits.
You can try using Top Spin, but I recommend you save it for Wily.
- Wily 1st Time: Aim for the cannon below the machine first, and once you've done that, go for the
dome over Wily's head with Hard Knuckle. Don't wait for him to come down if you don't have to. You can use the
super jump to reach (See the list at the bottom of this page).
- Gamma: Use Hard Knuckle or Shadow Blades and aim for the head (You'll have to use the super
jump for the Hard Knuckle). When you've finished with the head, use Top Spin and go for the top of the dome.
My suggestion is to stand directly under the dome and to jump straight up while spinning. Search Snakes work, too, if
you can get high enough to use them.
This will tell you where each Robot Master is at the stage near the end of the game:
Each box in the following chart represents a single teleporter that is in the room that this chart represents.
The spaces where you see N/A means that there is no teleporter here. The name of each Robot Master is placed
in the box that represents the teleporter that you take to get to that Robot Master.
This list will tell you which weapons to use on each Doc Man form:
Unfortunately, Doc Man is even harder than the Robot Masters that he's mimicking. And don't forget how big he is,
so it's not easy to clear him with a jump. The list below will hopefully make your job easier by telling you which weapons
work best on each form. Good luck!
Gemini Man's Stage:
Flash Man: Use Shadow Blade, Needle Cannon, or Gemini Laser.
Bubble Man: Use Spark Shocker or Shadow Blade.
Needle Man's Stage:
Air Man: Use Magnet Missiles or Spark Shocker.
Crash Man: Only 4 Hard Knuckles are needed to get rid of this guy. Otherwise use Top Spin.
Shadow Man's Stage:
Wood Man: Wait for Doc Man to launch his Leaf Shield, and than pummel him with Needle Cannon or Hard
Heat Man: Hit him with a Hard Knuckle or a Shadow Blade. Then hurry and get out of the way as
he shoots across the screen toward you.
Spark Man's Stage:
Metal Man: Use Shadow Blade, Hard Knuckle, or Magnet Missile.
Quick Man: Quick Man wasw bad enough in MegaMan 2, but now he has size to his advantage as
well as speed. And now there's no Time Stopper to help you out! Use Gemini Laser and Search Snakes. Good
Here is a list of useful passwords:
NOTE: If you're wondering why there are two charts for each password, I'll relieve you of confusion
(hopefully). The reason is that in this particular MegaMan game, there are two halves to each password. the two
tables that are under each password heading on this page go together.
This password will take you to Doc Man's (A.K.A Doc Robot's) stages:
This password will take you to the BreakMan/ProtoMan mini-stage:
This password will take you to Dr. Wily's Castle:
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